Well what a process! Last May (2011) we listed our house with an agent... after 5 months of having countless showings and NO offers, being pregnant and chasing two toddlers we decided to take the house off the market at the end of September 2011. Countless showings meant, cleaning constantly, no breaks, having to pack up the kids and being out of the house an hour each showing... interrupted and missed nap times... just too much!
Basically we were not in a rush to sell, we just want to sell and move to our home town, possibly build or buy an acreage and raise our family in the small town setting like we were brought up. Most of all be close to Cam's family and mine! We no longer have our siblings in the city we live.
So house off the market, life back to normal...
November 20, 2011 our precious baby boy arrived, things were still busy but easier to chase the two toddlers with having a baby in a swing or car seat sleeping rather than in my tummy. We decided to list the house again, this time, giving listing privately a shot. What did we have to loose right? We had no commission fees to worry about, we could book showings around what worked for us and we could hear the feedback ourselves from the people who view the house.
So the planning and prep work started... a LONG process with lots of work... I almost worked one whole month on prepping the house, going room by room, cupboard by cupboard, drawer by drawer and purging, packing and organizing. (WELL WORTH IT) Probably wouldn't have taken me so long if the kids did not undo the organizing in different rooms, lol They literally went behind me and messed up a tidy room...
I am a pinterest addict... I found this awesome blog to help me with the planning and guide me where to go and how to list the home. Check it out HERE The posting is listed "How I sold our house in 3 weeks, so you can too!"
This lady is amazing! She teaches you what to do, it is simple, a little work but so rewarding!
So after I cleaned, and cleaned (toddlers like to undo what you work so hard to keep clean) I took my pictures, I made my blogger website, purchased my own domain and created our own house website to sell our house. PS the domain is less than $10 a year!
You can view my website HERE
(UPDATE: I have switched the address back to the free blogger link since our domain has since expired)
Next was ordering business cards, flyers and a for sale sign from VistaPrint. I always use the www.vistaprint.com/thanks3 you get wicked deals at that link!
Then Kijiji and Facebook advertising! Free and efficient!
We started getting emails of people who wanted to see the house! It has been a great experience!
We have a couple real serious viewers, so fingers crossed we can get the house sold by the end of March!
All in all I have spend well under $100 for advertising, website, flyers etc EVERYTHING! So the work, time and money spent... has been WELL spent! If we sell we will save thousands of dollars! Who doesnt like the sound of that?
If you are thinking of listing, have the time to show your own home, and are not in a rush (ie. offer pending the sale of your home etc.) I recommend giving listing privately a shot!
I will keep you updated as to if we sell :)