This is Part 2 of my version of the DIY Cookie Sheet Lap Desk,
check out DIY Cookie Sheet Lap Desk- Part 1 Making The Lap Desk Here
Here are some of the activities I have created, copied and gathered for the lap boards I made for the kids
I used large popsicle sticks from Walmart ($3/pack) and created these.
Above is a double sided road-train tracks for my boys
Below I added magnets to them to create shapes
These ones I added magnets too as well they are small sticks from the dollar store
I grabbed some mini colored blocks from the craft section at our dollar store to build with. my kids love building and blocks is one of their favorite toys
I created these games using online clip art (source found below) and magnets. I used the blocks above to make dice. There is an easy 1-6 game and a harder 1-12 game. Roll the dice and cover the numbers.
I made color car travel bingo using clip art off google. Printed on card stock and use magnets to block out the card for a bingo
I found this Crayola dry erase set from the dollar store, it wasn't until I ripped the box open did I realize it was made to use to slip the book of activities in and out of and you write on the clear plastic.. DOH! So I cut the box apart and just put it all in a zip lock to make it work great for the kids
I purchased modeling clay to play with too.
And threw in some play dough toys and play dough in a bag to play on the boards with
Pom Pom activities... (all sources listed below)
The one below I created on WORD using a table. This can be used with magnets as well
I purchased these number magnets at the dollar store
This works great for Gr 1 Math my daughter is doing right now
I a'so created the sheet below on WORD for the boys
Some toys we had... In storage I had some toys I dug out. These I purchased YEARS ago. Not even sure you can still buy them, Sorry I don't know prices or details
The kids LOVE them!
Rylan built the one below! He is addicted to these!
Magnetic train tracks... (source below) cut and added magnets. These work great for Walmarts new mini trains that are super cheap (under $1.50)
The other activities I gathered for the kids for our trip don't involve the lap desks but they are great I had to share!
DIY sewing for Adalie, desk drawer lining, embroidery floss and a large plastic needle
I also gathered her rainbow loom, finger print doodles from Costco and her sewing kit together to add to her road trip activies that can be found
Here are some other toys I foundin storage, purchased at Winners YEARS ago too... The kids love creating and building, these were right up their ally when I pulled them out!
Thanks for stopping by! Check out more of my recent road trip ideas on the left side bar!