Quilting = Bliss

I rarely get the chance to sit down at my sewing machine and have the ability to start and finish a project without having to put my machine away for days at a time and bring the project back out. Most my quilting projects take months. I have often packed my machine up the stairs from the basement to the dining room table, get everything set up and that is when my two year old decides to get cranky and clingy, my three and a half year old decides to pour her own drink in
her cup and spills milk all over the kitchen, and the baby starts to cry. After a half hour to an hour of getting the house settled down again I just give up and put everything away.

I have two really close friends whom I just adore and miss so much from bible school. My one friend was expecting her first baby. I wanted to do something special for this little one because I consider her a sister! I decided to make this little baby a quilt. So I picked my pattern from the Moda Bake Shop, then went shopping for fabric. They did not know the sex of the baby but I asked what their colors were and was hoping I could get somewhat close, if not, oh well :) It did not HAVE to match.

So I went fabric shopping online and decided on this Grey, Navy and Red combo called Reunion by Moda. The pattern is a Jelly Roll project and after this quilt! I want to do 10 more! Super easy, fun and cute!!

I chose out the Grey, Navy, Red and some Green out of the jelly roll. You only need 12, or 16 if you choose to use some for the binding out of the big selection so picking was hard but I was excited to get cracking on this cute project for this precious little one!

I was determined Easter weekend to get this project done. Her baby was due in April and I wanted to get it done! My husband left town on the Friday for work and my kids were well behaved so I jumped on the opportunity! To my surprise I was able to start the quilt Friday afternoon/evening and finish the quilt Saturday night! I took breaks and so if you had no interruptions you could easily start and finish this quilt in one day!!!
I am so thrilled with the finish project! I did follow the instructions wrong for the ruffles, I double sided them rather than sewed two strips in one long strip. But it is better this way if the baby happens to be a boy. Next time I will do it the correct way ;)

I followed a couple great tutorials on youtube for machine quilting the binding, just to make the project go along faster.
This lady is very good and showing step by step how to do this! I am excited for her to open the baby's quilt!!

She received the quilt this week in the mail and her words exactly "Cassie you are freaking unreal! I love the colours and everything about the quilt! Thank you so much!"

I am thrilled she loves it!! I just love making things for my friends and family!! I can not wait to see her little one!! Love you Ter!!

Thanks for stopping by :)

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