Homemade Popsicles... Two thumbs up!

So I ended up finding Kool-Aid in my cupboard! So Adalie and I ended up making Recipe 2 from my previous post. We didn't have matching flavors so we used Tropical Punch Kool-Aid and Strawberry Banana Jello! THEY ARE SO YUMMY!!
She was my little mixer, mixed all the ingredients while mommy helped her pour them in. She was so excited to help!
We let them freeze overnight, only because I didn't want to allow a popsicle before bed!
Showing off her monster pop :)
She loved every minute of eating her popsicle! Or as she calls it, Poksicle They were good... I may go back to winners and pick up the other sets they had of monster pops for birthdays and cousins visits! They are great, they have a bowl like bottom to catch all the juice!! Brilliant!

Also they made a ton of popsicles... Between my Tupperware Popsicle molds and the monster ones I got a total of 20 Pops :)Photobucket

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